Informationsmanagement und Datenverarbeitung

The Information Management and Data Processing Department supports the VDI/VDE-IT by providing complete IT infrastructure to all of its employees, both in Berlin and at its branch offices. The department’s core tasks include administrating and managing the company’s servers and network infrastructure and providing support to application clients. Its operation of the company’s IT infrastructure is ISO 27001 certified.

The Department consists of three specialised teams. The administration team manages IT infrastructure and supports users in all application- and operations-related matters. The internal development team supports management processes by developing in-house applications for, among other purposes, project controlling, travel expense accounting and time logging. The web team supports the company in the conception and development of efficient and suitable solutions for web projects. Its portfolio of expertise ranges from designing simple websites (e.g. for documenting events) and larger information platforms (e.g. for funding programmes and lead project partnerships) to developing complex web-based applications for closed user groups and extensive workflows.