Treppenhaus Steinplatz 1

As a service-providing company, project manager and consulting firm, we support our customers during the analysis, organisation and promotion of innovations and technology.

When it comes to well-founded knowledge for decision-making bases, management of complex projects, organisation of contact points or the implementation of promotional programmes: We offer customised solutions and customer-oriented service.

We are the Experts

Around 1,000 experts from the natural sciences, social sciences, business management, engineering, administrative sciences and law work at our company – well-versed professionals with extensive experience as well as junior staff with fresh ideas. We believe that this mix is a win for our customers. We employ specialists with international expertise and are thus also well-structured for European and worldwide projects. The representatives of our Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) in the USA, Chile, Argentina, Peru and France support us in this regard as on-site partners.

We Embrace Communication

In addition to technical expertise, our company particularly promotes flexibility and clear communication structures. We offer no standard solutions, but rather individually address our customers' issues and requests.

Regardless of whether it concerns the planning and implementation of processes and tasks or management in changing situations: We are convinced that a constructive communication style and creativity in dealing with new challenges are essential for a project’s success.

We work in a project-oriented manner in flexible, interdisciplinary teams so as to optimally utilise our talents and know-how.

We are a Network

Another pillar of our success is formed by our networks. Good relationships to policymakers, science, administrative authorities and industry enable us to enter into fruitful cooperations and implement new ideas. For our customers, we set up specific networks for the development of innovative ideas and act as a contact point in various areas in order to bring together science and companies.

Good and fruitful cooperation is our highest priority in every relationship.

We Offer Quality

We want excellent results and impose high quality standards for our work. The constant continuing qualification of our specialised personnel guarantees our customers an in-depth consulting based upon first-hand experience. Moreover, the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas within our company enables comprehensive analysis while offering a perspective beyond the boundaries of mere narrow-focussed technical know-how.

With regards to information security and process management, one can rely on us: Our high qualitative standard for the processes that we render in project sponsorships for German federal ministries was confirmed in 2014 through the certification audit for the Information Security Management System (ISMS) in accordance with ISO 27001. Our company’s quality management was certified in 2016 in accordance with ISO 9001.

We are Responsible

As a commercial company, we distinguish ourselves not just through responsible action in our dealings with our customers, but also show concern for our employees’ welfare.

The constant safeguarding of our company’s business base and economic, ecological as well as social action are among our highest priorities.

We make our decisions thoughtfully, transparently and with foresight. We conduct discourses as required and promote independent and self-responsible work.