Partnership Agreement Between VDI/VDE-IT And The German Association Of Towns And Municipalities

Dr. Gerd Landsberg (DStGB) und Peter Dortans (VDI/VDE-IT)

Although digitalisation is presenting Germany’s cities and municipalities with challenges, it also offers many new opportunities. There is now a new advisory service to provide local authorities in Germany with guidance and advice about the transformation process. The ‘Transform Local’ initiative is a partnership between the German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB) and the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit), which is part of VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH (VDI/VDE-IT). The partnership agreement was signed today in Berlin by the managing directors of the two partner organisations, Dr Gerd Landsberg (DStGB) and Peter Dortans (VDI/VDE-IT). The new service is predominantly aimed at medium-sized towns and municipalities. It will provide them with advice and support about the upcoming processes of transformation as they enter the digital age.

“Towns and municipalities are faced with tremendous upheaval. Digitalisation and the associated change processes will affect virtually every policy area. For many local authorities, this will mean entering unchartered territory – drawing on previous experience will not be possible,” said Dr Gerd Landsberg, Managing Director of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities. He made the remarks at the event in Berlin where the agreement was signed. “With this joint project, we want to help provide towns and municipalities with advice and guidance about the upcoming change processes,” continued Landsberg. “We also want to share the knowledge that is already available.”
“The extent to which Germany is prepared for digital transformation is going to have a major impact on the international competitiveness of our country. Local authorities play a key role in the process of transformation,” added Peter Dortans, Managing Director of VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH. “At the beginning of the transformation process, it is particularly important to analyse the inventory of future-proof solutions, outline initial projects and structure the process. The aim of the joint project is to help with this phase of the process.”

‘Transform Local’ is a service for any local authorities that wish to access external expertise. The service will consist of three main areas: taking stock, analysis and exchange. Its aim is to help towns and municipalities take their first steps towards digital transformation. The service benefits from the experience and expertise of both the German Association of Towns and Municipalities, which is an umbrella organisation for Germany’s local authorities, and the Institute for Innovation and Technology, which is a renowned service provider and project management agency for innovation projects. This combination ensures that in addition to offering professional and technical expertise, ‘Transform Local’ also has direct relationships with municipalities.

“We are glad to be partnering with the German Association of Towns and Municipalities. The organisation provides a municipal perspective that complements our advice service,” emphasised Dortans. He made the comments at the event to mark the signing of the partnership agreement. “While the service is characterised by a high degree of professionalism, it does not lose sight of local authority concerns.”

“Since digitalisation is so multi-faceted, it can be very useful for towns and municipalities to acquire additional expertise in the various fields. The Institute for Innovation and Technology is very well-equipped in this area. It can draw on expert knowledge and a great deal of experience in almost every field,” added Landsberg. “The blend of municipal and technological perspectives makes this project the only one of its kind in Germany. It is especially tailored to the needs of towns and municipalities.”

Alongside their partnership for the ‘Transform Local’ project, both project partners have also agreed to collaborate more closely in other areas.

“We have discovered the significant potential that can be tapped from the exchange of knowledge and experience that takes place as these two organisations work together. We want the scope and strength of the partnership to keep growing,” said Dortans and Landsberg.

Additional information about ‘Transform Local’ can be found online at

Information About The Project Partners

Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) – Part Of VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH (VDI/VDE-IT)

The Institute for Innovation and Technology is a cross-sectoral facility that pools the skills and expertise of its parent organisation, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH. It investigates innovation-related policy and research issues concerning areas of intersection between science, politics and the private sector. The iit also analyses, designs, assists with and evaluates programmes and projects associated with research policy and innovation policy. It focuses on establishing a holistic view of the major determinants: people, businesses and networks. The foundation upon which the iit’s research and consultancy work is built is the expertise of more than 250 scientific assistants. This team’s specialisms include an extremely wide range of disciplines in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and economics.

For more information, see:

German Association of Towns and Municipalities

The German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB) is an umbrella organisation for Germany’s local authorities. Throughout Germany and Europe, it represents the interests of local governments in around 11,500 towns and municipalities. It is politically independent, has a federal structure and does not receive government grants for its work. It facilitates knowledge sharing between local authorities and the topics it addresses include future-oriented subjects such as digital transformation.

For more information, see