We develop new service offerings for prospective funding recipients to increase the quality of draft proposals. Covering all aspects of information and advice, we offer webinars in which information is provided concisely and directly, and participants are able to resolve their own individual enquiries. The webinars also help us to improve our process quality on an ongoing basis.

Effective Applications

Webinars explain the core points of a programme or call for proposals to prospective funding recipients. Interactive information services have proved particularly useful in the proposal preparation phase: Webinar participants are able to ask questions verbally or in writing, which are then answered directly by our specialists. This highlights pitfalls in advance that may be associated with the submission of project proposals and these can be avoided. The quality of proposals increases and the need for further enquiries and clarification during the process is reduced. As a result, webinars help to further streamline and speed up the processing of proposals, with increased levels of efficiency and effectiveness for submitters.

Conveying Information Efficiently

Compared to events that require attendance in person, webinars allow us to reach a much wider group of participants – at significantly lower cost for everyone involved. Participants are less inhibited about asking questions via the chat function, so more questions are asked overall – with everyone ultimately benefiting from this. Webinars have proven to be an effective tool, enabling information to be conveyed concisely and invaluable interaction.

Qualified Feedback

In the webinars we collect feedback from those taking part using short online surveys. In the PT-Lab, we evaluate experience gained from interacting with prospective funding recipients, thus identifying where we can improve existing processes and develop new service and support options. Both the webinar organisers and our customers are given meaningful feedback. Drawing on the feedback collected, we further enhance the webinars on an ongoing basis.

The tool also enables participation to be managed in a professional manner, the level of active involvement to be monitored, questions and answers to be documented, and the webinar to be recorded, ensuring compliance with data privacy requirements at all times. Content can therefore be made available to interested parties who are not able to join the webinar live.

Improved Funding Advice

Webinars are an up-to-date source of support for prospective funding recipients and applicants, and provide an entry point into online project mentoring. They minimise the time and expense of having to advise one party at a time, and enable information to be provided flexibly, with few constraints in terms of time or place. A big plus when it comes to funding advice overall!

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