Europäische und Internationale Geschäftsentwicklung

The purpose of the staff department European and International Business Development is to provide orientation with regards to the European and international landscape of innovation policy and funding, building consortia for projects and studies, and establishing new partnerships and networks.  To this end, it mobilizes the extensive competencies of VDI/VDE-IT for the effective consulting and the support of our customers in all steps of innovation policy matters in Europe and worldwide.

The mission of the department is “To bring more of Europe and the World into the company, and to bring the company more to Europe and into the World”. On the one hand, this encompesses the coordinated acquisition of projects and service contracts on topics of global importance, and on the other, it means participating in strategy development processes and the provision of current knowledge on programmes and instruments of European and international innovation funding. The department is coordinating the involvement of VDI/VDE-IT in relevant platforms and committees, it is experimenting with methods of virtual communication and agile leadership, and it is responsible for the ISO 9001 quality management process on European funded projects.

Utilizing the experiences, roles and contacts of the employees from across the company, the department European and International Business Development is facilitating the establishment of strategic topics, the generation of references and, thus, an enhancement of the global corporate profile of VDI/VDE-IT.


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