
In the Funding Management division, we combine expertise in the commercial and administrative handling of funding projects for the federal and state governments. Our employees in Berlin, Munich, Hanover and Erfurt provide local support and assistance. We support funding projects throughout the entire project cycle.

Review and approval

During the application phase, we check applications for creditworthiness, eligibility and plausibility of the planned costs or expenditure, among other things. We also ensure that all budgetary and funding law requirements are met. We also provide comprehensive support for approved and ongoing projects: we disburse funding and process any necessary changes. At the end of the project, we check the proof of use. We check whether the funding has been used correctly, that the funding has been used economically and if the funding objectives have been achieved.

Advisory services

One of our central tasks is to provide advice to applicants and funding recipients. As competent contact persons, we are available to answer all questions and support the projects from the application to the proof of utilisation.

Management of public budget funds

As experts in the management of public budget funds, we work closely with our clients. We support and advise them from planning to controlling.
We use various funding platforms and software tools, all of which we are constantly developing and improving. The further digitalisation and (partial) automation of administrative processes is a core concern for us. We also have extensive expertise in this area.

The Funding Management department employs experts from the fields of funding law and budgetary law as well as economics and administrative sciences, who offer a modern package of services in the funding business as part of interdisciplinary cooperation with other departments of the company!


Portraitfoto Angelika Hoffmann

Angelika Hoffmann, Abteilungsleiterin

Questions about funding management?

You can reach us at the number
030 310078-515