Professional public relations work is indispensable to the clients of VDI/VDE-IT. In keeping with the notion that communication only counts if its content is received, the Public Relations Department places topics and messages precisely where they will be heard. To this end, it has a wide range of PR measures at its disposal to actively support clients in, and advise them on, all matters concerning their press and public relations work.
Yet, the path to success not only builds on targeted information policy, but also on dialogue with experts and the media. For the processes of such dialogue it is important to be imbued with new means and formats of communication. This ensures that topics remain part of the conversation for longer periods of time and allows them to develop into common social discourse.
The department’s specialists therefore organise both large conferences and small workshops, publish brochures, develop websites, compose speeches, write press releases and are present on-site at trade fairs.
They plan, organise and direct processes to ensure that measures are implemented in a timely and precisely suitable manner. When developing PR strategies, they never lose sight of the client’s wishes or target group. They turn client functions and meetings into attractive events, information brochures into captivating page-turners and websites into infotainment sites.