We develop concepts for new funding formats, which address the changing needs of business and research undergoing digital transformation. To do so, we pool our expertise from project management, innovation research and foresight and evaluation, in order to develop – in co-creation processes – innovative and agile project funding models.
Funding Formats in Transition
In times of accelerated change, new requirements also emerge with respect to research and innovation funding, and the operational implementation thereof. It will no longer be sufficient in the future to make existing forms of project funding more effective and more efficient. Instead, funding will have to reflect new developments, respond quicker than before to the changing landscape of innovation funding and, at the same time, create its own momentum on the basis of knowledge and experience. Influencing factors and framework conditions are also changing, such as the competitive environment, requirements with respect to transparency, practical relevance and communication of knowledge. All this has to be reflected in new, flexible funding formats that address changing needs.
Multiple Challenges for Research and Innovation Funding
In the funding formats, we develop solutions with the following in mind:
Paradigms and priorities of R&I policy
- Mission orientation, broadening of innovation as a concept
- Opening up of new communities
- Funding initiatives with combined budgets (virtual common pot models) and fund solutions
- Platform-oriented funding: Technologies and communities of practice
- Transfer of knowledge/findings, open innovation culture
- Open X approaches
Potential for synergies and interaction between overarching R&I strategies
- Interaction of policies from federal states, central government (High-Tech Strategy, Digital Strategy), Europe (framework programme), public/private partnerships
- Convergence of technologies for realising key functions and fulfilling missions
- Handling inter/transdisciplinary research topics
- Funding of cross-application key technologies
New demands and new groups to be addressed
- Funding formats in line with the dynamics of innovation
- SME and start-up orchestration: How can the strengths and needs of SMEs be united with the interests and expertise of start-ups in the funding?
- Funding recipients in non-R&D sectors (e.g. groups to be addressed by social innovation funding)
- New and atypical target groups: How can new players such as regional entities, foundations and also individuals be involved in R&I funding?
- How can resources – for example from (international) foundations, development banks, etc. – be obtained and managed for research funding?
Innovative, Legally Compliant Funding Formats
New formats for R&I funding are developed jointly with our customers and clients (funding recipients). Our wealth of knowledge and experience in-house, which we have gained from diverse funding programmes over many years, provides an invaluable starting point for custom-made solutions. Measures that have proven successful in tried and tested reference cases, form the basis for further and new development in funding. This is always in absolute compliance with the regulatory framework or, in the case of new funding approaches, is with reference to justifiable need for change to the existing rules and regulations. Here, the focus is on the purpose of the funding just as much as on its operational implementation.