Administratives Projektmanagement

In the area of Administrative Project Management (ADM), we support funding projects from various funding programmes throughout the entire project cycle. Before and during the application process, we check the creditworthiness of companies, advise on cost calculations, financing plans and general administrative funding conditions. During the project period, we arrange for the disbursement of funding and efficiently implement necessary changes. A central part of our work is checking the use of funds. Together with our technical specialists, we ensure that the funds in the projects are used for the respective funding policy goals and within the framework of the legal requirements. The entire project management is carried out in quality-assured processes. In addition, we support our clients in planning, controlling and monitoring the funding.
Advice and cooperation in the development, establishment and implementation of new, innovative funding instruments and procedures as well as the digitalisation of administrative processes are becoming increasingly important.

We have in-depth knowledge of grant and budget law, business and economics, public management as well as administrative, public procurement and commercial law, and with our expertise we provide both experienced and first-time applicants and grant recipients with competent advice and support!