Located at the VDI/VDE-IT branch office in Munich, the Department Digital Transformation Technologies is a highly competent point of contact for both public-sector and private-sector clients in Bavaria. The department provides advice and information to companies and research institutions about every aspect of Bavarian funding programmes as well as about funding alternatives offered by the German federal government and the EU.
Its team of specialists, which includes engineers, computer scientists, natural scientists and management experts, have acted as lead partners for the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy for many years. The competencies and experience of the branch office’s employees, gained and developed through intensive collaboration with the protagonists of Bavaria’s research community, are regularly utilised by companies, research institutions and the public authorities. A broad range of multipliers, including various clusters, chambers, economic development organisations and associations in every region of Bavaria, benefit from the department’s thorough knowledge of the state’s technology-related policy conditions and of the specific structural limiting conditions of its various regions. VDI/VDE-IT is eminently familiar with the innovative strength of Bavarian enterprises and the unique structure of the Bavarian economic area.
Moreover, the Munich branch office is closely involved in the overall operations of VDI/VDE-IT.