Dozent vor Studierenden

In the age of Internet and digitalisation not only teaching and research are subject to change but also universities on their different institutional levels. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has thus established the research field “digital academic teaching”. VDI/VDE-IT has assumed the role of project manager.

Academic institutions currently face far-reaching changes: In the age of Internet and digitalisation not only teaching and research are subject to change but also universities on their different institutional levels. Associated expectations – in particular with regard to the configuration of study programmes – are high: New individualisation options in teaching and additional chances for lifelong learning serve as two examples in light of “academic teaching 4.0”.

Until now, the majority of universities only experiments with new forms of teaching and learning enabled by digitalisation; until now digitally supported examination approaches are tested only. Academic institutions alter their organisational structures and procedures to different degrees. Concomitant research on these current approaches and formats may generate helpful knowledge for policy and praxis. This is the overarching ambition of the first funding activities in the new research field “digital academic teaching” that has been established within the funding focus “science and university research”.