Local public transport can make an important contribution to meeting national climate protection goals by providing attractive services that reduce the number of journeys made in private motor vehicles. At the same time, however, further reductions must be achieved in the greenhouse gas emissions of journeys made using local public transport. The electrification of vehicle motors – including those of buses – is the most efficient approach here. Using electric buses will also improve levels of air and noise pollution, particularly in urban environments.

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) is therefore supporting the market rollout of electric buses in Germany by offering subsidies to transport companies with appropriate procurement plans.

VDI/VDE-IT is helping the BMU to plan and implement this funding programme for electric bus procurement for local public transport (‘Förderung der Beschaffung von Elektrobussen im ÖPNV’). It is also providing supporting services, such as public relations assistance.