Whether it’s a large conference or an exclusive expert committee: We develop the right event formats for you. We use creative methods to address participants and dialogue tools to ensure constructive and results-oriented sharing of information.

Events are an integral part of programme communication. They bring people together, encourage networking among different players, and, better than any other element, provide an opportunity to share knowledge and experience. We develop event concepts for you, which are appropriate for the topic areas and stakeholders in your funding programme, and are always a step ahead of the changing requirements. We organise publicly visible conferences, symposiums, seminars, workshops or trade fair participation, and network experts from research, politics and business.

The Best Format for your Event

To achieve the best possible result, we create individual concepts for all events. We use different dialogue, networking, moderation and information methods, which we extend and adapt on an ongoing basis, with participants’ interests and your substantive objectives converging as a result.

We advise you on planning, realisation and follow-up. Our experts support you in pinning down the topic area, compile suitable objectives and evaluate the event results. We enhance events with social media tools, event apps  and live transmission online.

Mobilising Community Knowledge

We encourage involvement and mobilisation of participants with creative and interactive modules. Using methods such as ‘idea shuffling’, we make sure that the knowledge potential of all participants is utilised. In addition, we design new models for competitions and pitches, to draw on the creative pool of a specialist community. Through video submissions or in hackathons, researcher teams, start-ups, student groups and also stakeholders can be directly involved with their ideas.

Based on our own experience, we develop in the PT-Lab new ideas for networking and participation options, in order to
foster an open climate within the specialist world, creating momentum towards new priorities for funding and research projects.

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