Complementary to the launch of large-scale investments and support measures to drive innovation in electronics, such as ECSEL, PENTA, IPCEI, the 5E project is developing a joint vision for the three electronics areas of Nanoelectronics, Electronic Smart Systems and Flexible, Organic and Printed Electronics, as well as a corresponding scenario-based implementation strategy. As EU-funded Coordination and Support Action, 5E underpins digitisation, and supports specifically the electronics industry in seizing opportunities by federating – not merging – the three European electronics ecosystems. This is being done in close coordination with the European Commission and policy makers at national and regional levels in order to strengthen value chains in the European electronics industry.
The project focuses on an in-depth analysis of technologies and applications of the three electronics areas in important sectors such as health, energy, mobility and production, as well as on the identification and development of innovation and market potentials through joint strategies and closer cooperation at the technology, manufacturing, marketing and political levels.
Further activities relate to cooperation with other areas of digitisation, cooperation at regional level e.g. with clusters and DIH, at European level e.g. with funded projects, European Technology Platforms and important partners from industry and research, as well as at international level with important target markets and strategic partners.
VDI/VDE-IT is responsible for the overall coordination of the project, for the work package on project management as well as for the work package addressing the implementation and dissemination of the joint vision developed for the three electronics areas of nanoelectronics, smart systems and flexible electronics. In addition, VDI/VDE-IT is significantly involved in all other work packages. These relate to
- the description of the technological and application landscapes in the three electronics sectors and the development of a joint vision,
- developing a common strategy based on different scenarios,
- the development of a meta-roadmap,
- promoting cooperation between the electronics sectors, with actors from technologically relevant neighbouring sectors and with regional and international actors,
- communication and expansion of the stakeholders network.